Manage, measure and monetize social media portfolios for fashion influencers. D'Marie app is mainly designed for the users, that they can review their analytics and unique portfolio values from Instagram and also from Facebook and Twitter.


Andolasoft developed the mobile app to post in Instagram and web to get the social statistics from the Instagram and also backend API endpoints as required for some functionalities. We achieved the credit post and got social statistics from Instagram with the use of InstagramKit.

Andolasoft helped D'Marie to develop an app to manage measure and monetize social media portfolios for fashion influencers.


This case study narrates how Andolasoft helped D'Marie to develop an app to manage measure and monetize social media portfolios for fashion influencers.

D'Marie app mainly designed for the users, that they can review their analytics and unique portfolio values from Instagram and also from Facebook and Twitter.

D'Marie had faced difficulty to get social statistics from Instagram through Web, since Instagram API doesn’t provide that information. So, D'Marie had a unique idea to get social statistics from Instagram as well as from Facebook and Twitter through mobile.

It's not possible to post credits to Instagram through the Web. So, the mobile app helps to post the credit to Instagram and grab the social statistics from it. Also one can able to post the credits to Facebook and Twitter.

While tagging the sponsored link to the image with the exact coordinate points irrespective of any image sizes, device as well as web to display.

We did not use any third party library to calculate the exact tagged coordinate points of the sponsored links in an image. We developed our own logic to get the exact points. We calculated the aspect ratio of the tagged point with respect to the image size and the image view size.

Then we generated the x coordinate and y coordinate points. We sent all these data to server and in web that image has the exact tagged points for the sponsored links.

We delivered our works in a timely manner with quality code to the customer.

We achieved the credit post and got social statistics from Instagram with the use of InstagramKit.

Andolasoft developed the mobile app to post the credit to Instagram and web to got the social statistics from the Instagram and also backend API endpoints as required for some functionalities.

Andolasoft also helped D'Marie to place the Smartphone application on the iTunes. Summarily, the mobile app increased the download & revenue.

Planning to have a Cross-platform Mobile App of your own.

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